Scientific Research Experience

English Language Teaching Undergraduate Program offers two courses:

EDS 403: Scientific Research Experience I 

EDS 404: Scientific Research Experience II

EDS 403: Scientific Research Experience I 

The Faculty of Education at MEF University requires taking "Scientific Research Experience I" course in the third year spring term. Theoretical information required for a scientific research for 14 weeks (1 semester) is given to teacher candidates under the guidance of academicians. In the Department of English Language Teaching, this course begins with library education. In the seminar given by the librarian of the university, a wide and practical explanation is given on how to search for resources, which databases are related to which fields, what to consider when quoting and referencing. In the following weeks, studies are carried out on subjects such as educational research, research types, methods and techniques, determining the research problem, finding a research article and analyzing each section in the article, literature review, and preparing a research plan.

EDS 404: Scientific Research Experience II

The Faculty of Education at MEF University requires taking "Scientific Research Experience II" course in the fourth year fall semester. This course is a continuation of the "Scientific Research Experience I" course. During 14 weeks (1 semester), prospective teachers try to complete their research. Pre-service teachers collect data on their subjects and analyze them. Then, they start writing their manuscript. In this process, there are also academic supervisors who advise each teacher candidate. Academicians hold weekly meetings with pre-service teachers and give feedback to them about the progress of the work. The meeting process continues throughout the fall semester. Presentations of the completed works are prepared. Research projects conducted by teacher candidates are presented at different national or international conferences. Some pre-service teachers continue their research for the publication of their work and can have their article published by submitting their work to different journals. At this stage, academicians of the department continue to provide supervision.