
Psychology is a scientific study of human behaviors and cognitions. Recently, with all the interesting subfields such as clinical, industrial, developmental, social, cognitive and neuropsychology, the popularity of psychology has been increasing not only around the world but also in Turkey. Therefore, psychology is not a field that only studies psychopathology but also emotions, cognitions and behaviors in different phases of human development and in different contexts (group or individual) etc.
The Department of Psychology teaches entirely in English. Our main goal is to give students the theoretical and applied knowledge and skills based on current findings. The Department of Psychology fully embraces the flipped learning approach to education. We provide opportunities for students to be actively involved in the learning process. We use flipped learning to demonstrate psychological phenomena, as well as experimental and data-analytic techniques.
Students will have a chance to work on the national and international projects of our researchers whose degrees are from the best universities of Turkey, Europe and the USA, with specializations in different subfields of psychology.