About the Faculty

MEF University Faculty of Engineering is composed of the Computer Engineering, Electrical - Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Departments. 

Four year B.Sc. programs which will be carried out in English under these departments are designed according to international accreditation criteria and will provide a world class education to our students. Research/Design project activities that will be supported both through the curricular and extracurricular activities will enable our students to develop a solid understanding of the fundamentals of their fields while enriching their creativities and uncovering their innovation potential. 

The Flipped Classroom model will ensure our research oriented faculty to share their knowledge and experience with students effectively and efficiently. Laboratory experiments will provide hands-on experience and augment the theoretical knowledge gained through the courses. Well described internships to deliver maximum benefits to our students will be carried out in close cooperation with the industry. 

The programs also have strong components for developing skills such as self-learning, team work, and oral and written communication. On the other hand, the international programs such as the one allowing a bachelor degree in three years and a master degree in the following two years in cooperation with a global partner university, namely the 3+2 program; Erasmus/non-Erasmus exchanges to European/non-European countries for both study and traineeship will provide excellent internationalization opportunities to our students.


To be recognized as an international focal point in education, basic and applied research in the fields of engineering in shaping the future to benefit society.


Delivering internationally employable engineers who, in respect for the environmental, social and ethical values, can generate positive differences in their fields by combining creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership skills with research capabilities; can demonstrate a continuous professional self-improvement, and doing basic and applied research in the fields of engineering for the benefit of society locally and globally.