Student Clubs Directive


The purpose of this directive is to determine the establishment and working principles of student clubs to be established in order to realize extracurricular cultural, artistic and sports activities of MEF University students.


Bu yönergede yer alan:
Clubs: Student clubs established by MEF University students in accordance with the purpose specified in Article 1,
Dean of Students: Manages all processes related to the clubs. (Develops, ensures the realization, supervises and evaluates all plans and projects of the clubs, including the establishment phase).
Academic Advisor: Refers to academic staff who volunteer by contributing to the club with their knowledge, interest and experience during the realization of the activities of the clubs.


Students who wish to establish a club apply to the Dean of Students' Office by filling out the Club Request Form, preparing and attaching the activity plan for that year, if they reach the number of seven founding members. These applications are evaluated by the Dean of Students' Office and the Dean of Students' Office, and approved by the Dean of Students and the Vice Rector in charge of Education. Following the approval of the application and the creation of the club's bylaws, the club starts its activities. The name/surname, student number, department and faculty of the seven founding members are submitted to the Dean of Students Office with a petition.

Each student club must propose one of the academic or administrative staff of MEF University as an advisor with its application. The advisors must be notified in the petition to be submitted to the Dean of Students Office.

Club applications are completed within four weeks from the start of each academic year. Clubs with similar fields of endeavor and objectives cannot be established. For the establishment of sports teams, in addition to the club establishment procedure, the opinions and approvals of the relevant experts and units are obtained.


Clubs must take into account the following criteria when determining their aims and activities;

a) Clubs aim to develop students' interests, knowledge and abilities by participating in extracurricular social, cultural, intellectual and sports activities and thus contribute to the academic environment.

b) Clubs cannot engage in activities that are not in accordance with the principles, environment and discipline of the university.

c) Clubs may foresee a certain talent in their members according to their characteristics. However, they can also include these members in their work programs by organizing activities in which students who are interested in the subject can participate even if they do not have talent.

d) Clubs may not go beyond their own field of activity and engage in activities that fall within the scope of other clubs. Such activities can only be carried out with an inter-club agreement.

e) Clubs are obliged to notify the Sports and Club Activities Coordinator's Office in writing about all kinds of activities they want to organize inside or outside the university, specifying the place, time and needs, and to obtain the approval of the unit. The Club Board of Directors must submit the date, place and the list of members who will participate in the event to the Dean of Students' Office for approval at least seven days before the event.

f) Clubs keep a club activity book to be updated at each meeting and note the attendance list, meeting agenda items, budget status, names of new/departing members, and decisions taken. If the meeting is postponed, the reason for postponement is noted in the club activity book.

g) At the end of each academic year, each club prepares an activity report reporting the activities of the club and submits it to the Dean of Students' Office.

h) Inactive clubs are evaluated for closure by the Dean of Students' Office.


Clubs are obliged to comply with these principles when determining the articles related to membership:

a) All students of MEF University can be club members.

b) The membership applications proposed by the Board of Directors shall be approved by a 2/3 majority of the General Assembly.

c) Persons in charge such as coaches and trainers from outside the University may participate in the activities with the approval of the Dean of Students.

d) Students who are on probation or who have been suspended are suspended from the clubs they are members of for the period in question. Those who act contrary to the aims of the club; members who want to use and manage the club according to their personal interests, and those who behave in a way that undermines the reputation and sense of trust required by the title of student are removed from membership with the decision of the General Assembly of the Club.

e) Dismissal from membership shall be upon the proposal of the Board of Directors of the Club and the approval of 2/3 majority of the General Assembly.

f) Club membership ends when the member submits his/her written request to the Board of Directors.


Clubs determine their own organs. However, it is essential that the following boards are established in each club and that these boards fulfill their duties;

General Assembly:

a) The General Assembly of the Club shall consist of the members of that Club.

b) The Boards of Directors and Auditors, together with their alternates, shall be elected at the beginning of each academic year by the General Assembly of that academic year.

c) Each club may decide to amend the amendable articles of the club's bylaws with a 2/3 majority of the members of the General Assembly. These amendments enter into force with the approval of the Dean of Students.

d) The General Assembly convenes at least twice each academic year on the dates determined by the Board of Directors.

e) In order for the General Assembly to take a decision, the absolute majority of its members must be present at the meeting. In case the absolute majority is not achieved, a decision can be taken by the majority of the members attending the second meeting.

Board of Directors:

a) The Board of Directors consists of a chairman and vice-chairman, a secretary, a treasurer and a member elected by the General Assembly at the end of each academic year, with a total of five members. At least three members of the Board of Directors must be replaced every year. The members of the Board of Directors can serve for a maximum of two years in total.

b) The Board of Directors is responsible to the club members and the Dean of Students for the best conduct of the activities, the implementation of the bylaws, the accounting of the financial income and expenses of the clubs, and the protection of the fixtures and fittings.

c) The Board of Directors shall establish the necessary working groups for the activities of the Club.

d) The Board of Directors is obliged to notify the Dean of Students' Office of the activities and external communications of the club within and outside the university and to obtain the approval of the unit.

e) The club advisor is a natural member of the Board of Directors, but cannot vote.

f) The Board of Directors may be dismissed by a 2/3 majority vote of the members of the General Assembly.

g) Each club shall specify the other duties and decision-making methods of the Board of Directors in its bylaws and submit them to the Dean of Students for approval.

Supervisory Board:

a) The Supervisory Board consists of two members who are not members of the Board of Directors and elected by the General Assembly. At least one member of the Supervisory Board must be replaced every year. The members of the Supervisory Board can serve for a maximum of two academic years in total.

b) The duty of the Audit Board is to examine the club's documents, accounting books and inventory status. It checks whether the expenses are based on the decision of the Board of Directors and whether the purchased fixtures and fittings are reported to the Dean of Students' Office and recorded. When necessary, it warns the Board of Directors and reports to the Dean of Students.


The following documents must be present in each club and must be shown to the Dean of Students and the Financial Affairs Directorate when necessary.

a) Member Registration Book: This book contains the names, classes and departments of the members, their photographs, and information showing their share of participation in club expenses, if any. This information is kept up to date and presented to the officials during the audits.

b) Board of Directors Decision Books and General Assembly Minutes: Decisions taken at the General Assembly and the Board of Directors are recorded in these books.

c) Accounting Book: Accounting records showing the income and expenditure status are kept in the accounting book under the responsibility of the Club Board of Directors. Support funds from sponsors are also recorded.

d) Collection and Payment Documents: All collections and payments recorded in the accounting book must be documented (receipts/invoices are obtained for each expenditure and submitted to the Dean of Students Office at the end of the event). These records and documents must be presented in full during audits by the Dean of Students' Office and the University Financial Affairs Directorate. The income obtained by a club through donations or other acquisitions is recorded in the accounting book of the student clubs with receipts.

e) A list and book of the fixtures and fittings provided by the University for the use of the club: The Dean of Students' Office prepares this list and delivers it to the club in return for the embezzlement. The Board of Directors is responsible for these items. Newly purchased fixtures are notified to the Dean of Students' Office within 15 days at the latest, and then both the fixture number is taken and added to the fixture list and book.



a) Clubs submit their budget proposals for the next academic year to the Dean of Students in the previous academic year.

b) The income of the clubs consists of the allocation allocated by the university, if any, the participation share in club expenses, if any, and the income obtained from sponsorship agreements made with the permission of the Dean of Students. For sponsorship agreements, it is necessary to submit a written petition to the Dean of Students and obtain the Dean's approval.

c) The accounts of the clubs regarding their income and expenditures for one year shall be discharged by the board of directors of that club at the end of each academic year.



The following disciplinary provisions and sanctions will apply to all clubs in the circumstances specified:

a) In the event that any damage or deficiency is detected in the delivery of the fixtures provided for the use of the Club to the University at the end of each academic year, the damaged or missing fixtures shall be compensated by the members of the Club Board of Directors and a disciplinary investigation may be initiated.

b) As a result of the audits to be carried out within each academic year by an employee to be assigned by the Dean of Students and the Financial Affairs Directorate, all payments that are not documented in the club's accounting book shall be compensated by the members of the Club Executive Board and disciplinary proceedings may be initiated against them.

c) If it is detected that club activities have been carried out inside or outside the university without written notification to the Dean of Students Office and without approval, and visuals (brochures, booklets, posters, etc.) have been printed and published without approval, the activities of the club that has carried out unauthorized activities may be suspended, their budgets may be cut, or the club may be closed and disciplinary proceedings may be initiated.



a) For clubs that need an instructor, an instructor can be assigned with the approval of the Dean of Students.

b) In the event that sports teams need a training ground, the place in question can be used with the approval of the Sports Activities Coordinator.

c) The club's activity may be suspended in case of detection of activities carried out without approval.

d) The instructor who does not participate in the club activities for two consecutive activities without the permission of the Dean of Students may be dismissed.


This directive enters into force as of the date of its adoption by the University Senate.

This directive is executed by the Rector of MEF University.

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