Online Platform Courses

On 27.06.2019, a senate resolution was made regarding the use of MOOCs (Massive Online Open Course) at MEF. This resolution indicates that the program is obligatory for students who entered MEF University during the 2019-2020 school year. Each student’s advisor is responsible for making sure that this is fulfilled.

Students of Economics program can have MOOCs counted for credits for two different types of elective courses:

  • Departmental electives: elective courses that need to be related to the topic of student’s study. Consult the MOOC coordinator to determine whether the selected courses for the departmental elective are eligible.

  • Non-departmental electives: elective courses that could be on any topic of student’s interest.

Students first decide which courses they want to bundle and for which type of elective and get approval from their department’s MOOC coordinator.

  • Courses or subjects already covered by courses within the student's curriculum are not accepted within the bundle.

  • Only courses having a proper summative assessment and certificate are accepted.

  • 1 ECTS is approximately 25-30 hours of study. All our departmental elective courses have 5 ECTS. Therefore, you need to complete a total of 125-150 hours if you want online platform courses to count towards a departmental elective. Most of the online courses will fall short of 125-150 hours. Therefore, you need to bundle multiple online platform courses to match the ECTS of a single departmental elective course. Suppose you have chosen course A, which requires 25 hours to complete; then, course B, which requires 60 hours to complete and then course C, which requires 70 hours to complete. Based on the equivalency scale, course A is worth 1 ECTS, course B is worth 2 ECTS and course C is worth 2 ECTS, for a total of 155 hours = 5 ECTS = one departmental elective.

  • For undergraduate students enrolled from 2019 onwards, during the undergraduate education period, it is required to take at least 1 course from edX, Coursera, or other massive open online course (MOOC) platforms approved by the department MOOC coordinator, not less than 4 ECTS and not exceeding 30 ECTS.

Step-by-step Guidelines on how to enroll:

  1. Plan on which slot(s) you are willing the online platform courses to fill in.

  2. Make a list of the courses you are willing to take and calculate the total hours required to complete each course such that the sum is at least 125 hours.

  3. Send all this information to the MOOC coordinator along with the names and URL links of the courses for approval. 

  4. Once approved, you are expected to complete them within one academic term (14 weeks).

  5. Once completed, submit your certificates to the MOOC coordinator. Then, the MOOC coordinator will contact student affairs and have your courses registered on the transcript. The approved bundle counts towards the declared elective as “Personalized Learning Experience”.

There is now a direct link to the list of free-of-charge courses on the MyMEF page. Students can easily filter the list to see free courses relevant to their topic of study. The curated Edx catalog can be found here.

There is now also a direct link to an edX paid course code application Google Form on the MyMEF page. Students can apply for paid courses via this form. In the form students have to indicate if they are requesting the code for “Personalized Learning Experience”. This form shall be filled only after the coordinator’s approval for paid courses the student wishes to enroll online.

Department of Economics
MOOC Coordinator: Narod Erkol