Graduation Requirements

In the course registration process, students are encouraged to give priority to the courses of the current semester. If there are any courses that haven’t been taken yet or have been dropped from the previous semesters, these courses should be given priority. After taking all the courses from previous semesters, students can also take courses from subsequent semesters. To graduate from the Psychology Department, a total of 240 ECTS must be completed and students must have a General Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 out of 4.00. For undergraduate students entering 2019 and later, at least 1 course must be taken from edX, Coursera or other mass open online course (MOOC) platforms approved by the department, not less than 4 ECTS and not more than 30 ECTS, during their undergraduate education.

240 ECTS must be completed in order to graduate from the program. Our psychology program has MUST and ELECTIVE courses. MUST courses are mandatory courses. ELECTIVE courses of the psychology department are divided into 3 parts including departmental, non-departmental and free elective courses. Courses with the PSYC code are departmental courses. Courses without PSYC code are non-departmental courses. Free elective courses may or may not be chosen among departmental courses. To be able to graduate, students have to complete 30 AKTS from non-departmental, 18 AKTS from departmental and 25 AKTS from free elective courses.

Moreover, four of the Readings and Research in Psychology technical elective courses have to be completed.

Students can register for the classes on their own up to 36 ECTS in each semester.  With the approval of their student advisor, they may take up to 42 ECTSThe decision of the faculty executive board is required to take more than 42 ECTS.