MEF Students Journal of International Politics

MEF Students Journal of International Politics is a semesterly journal published by the students of MEF Department of Political Science and International Relations focusing on current political, economic and social issues. It covers a wide range of topics related to domestic and foreign political and economic relations, important developments in Turkey's surrounding regions, and global politics.

The first issue of MJIP is titled "Reflections from Contemporary World" and sheds light on various current issues and features interviews with distinguished diplomats and academics.






Editorial Team:

Selin Levi, Ali Demircioğlu (Editor-in-Chiefs)
Cansu Ateşoğlu (Senior Editorial Associate)
Aybüke Özbuğutu (Editorial Associate)
Deniz Tatarlı (Editorial Associate)
Zeynep Molla, Emre Özacar, Berkay Sakuç, Resa Toptaş (Interview Team)
Bade Su Karatay, Ali Demircioğlu (Design)

Advisor Committee:

Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Kibaroğlu
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroğlu
Prof. Dr. Beken Saatçioğlu
Asst. Prof. Barış Çağlar
Asst. Prof. Evrim Görmüş
Asst. Prof. Begüm Uzun Taşkın
Cansu Güleç, Ph.D